
Saturday, March 10, 2012

Roasted Garlic

I love garlic. It is spicy when it is raw and as you cook it, it becomes sweeter. You can use for a lot of things. In my family, we mainly use it on crostini with goat cheese, kalamata olives and roasted red peppers. It is also a great way to get garlic evenly distributed over a pizza, instead of scattered pieces. Depending on what you are using the roasted garlic for, you can individually take the cloves out with a knife. The other option is to simply squeeze it out. Squeezing it out, is probably the easiest way.

1 medium head of garlic
1 teaspoon olive oil
Tin foil

  1. Preheat the oven to 425F. Cut the top 1/2 inch off the head of garlic (you want most of the cloves to be exposed). Drizzle with a teaspoon of olive oil. Wrap in tin foil.
  2. Place the tin foil wrapped head of garlic directly on the oven rack, for 35 to 45 minutes.
  3. Remove the garlic from the oven and cool for 10 minutes, still wrapped. After 10 minutes, unwrap it and serve.


  1. Roasted garlic is culinary alchemy. The cloves' pungent intensity transforms into a creamy, caramelized delight through roasting. What Play Game Spread on bread or incorporated into dishes, its mellowed flavor adds depth and complexity. A versatile ingredient that elevates dishes and unveils the magic of patient cooking.
