
Sunday, June 8, 2014

April's Sunday Brunch

As you may have noticed, there are a lot of new and wonderful things going on the blog lately. I hope you all like the additions and changes we are making, because I sure do!

"Sunday Brunch" is one of these new things. Kelsey started us off last week and now its my turn. Each of us every Sunday will be posting a little summary of our individual adventures, cool ingredients or kitchen gadgets we are currently crushing on and so on. The content opportunities are endless, really! Get excited to get to know each of us a little bit better in the next coming months!

I'm sure everyone is very aware that it is June already. Where has the time gone? I feel like my summer is almost over. It sort of kind of is, a quarter almost over anyways.

To make the best of the next 3/4 I've come up with a summer bucket list. All the kids are doing it these days. Here goes:
  1. Make boozy popsicles (I've been wanting to do this forever)
  2. Go to door county! I've never been and it seems like a crime, being born and raised in Wisconsin. I need to finally see what it is all about for myself. I bet it will be amazing.
  3.  Canoe, kayak and boat A LOT. 
  4. Play in all the lakes and pools I can. I love swimming and the water. It makes me happy.
  5. Go tubing on a river because its the most fun. Giant lazy river that you are allowed to drink on. What is better honestly?
  6. Hit up devils lake and hike and play in the lake. Hopefully it is less nasty than the Madison lakes get in the heat of summer.
  7. I also want to go on loads of bike rides and actually be in solid shape for the MS Bike Ride. Biking is also fun and very freeing. It is second best to swimming. 
  8. Finally, drink some beer and check out some breweries while doing it. 
Its going to be a good summer. I can feel it in my bones. I'm sure there are other things I want to do this summer, but I can't think of them. What are some things you guys have on your summer bucket lists? I want to know!

Speaking of the MS Bike Ride, I have been riding it for the past three years. My dad has had MS for thirty plus years. He is my best friend ever. I ride for him. This year my mom and sister-in-law are also riding. It should be fun. It is a 150 mile bike ride over two days, across southern Wisconsin.

It is a cause that means a lot to me. If you would like to make a donation or learn more about it check out my page!


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