
Sunday, June 29, 2014

April's Sunday Brunch

It is Sunday Brunch time again! This is what I have been up to lately, plus some random thoughts.
  • I went to Eau Claire to visit a friend from my freshman year of college at Steven's Point. We spent the morning at the Leinenkugel's Brewery (summer bucket list, check!). I have to admit that it is not my favorite Wisconsin brewery, BUT they do beer mixology. Which sounds strange, but is actually pretty tasty. Mix Summer Shandy and Berry Weiss and you get pink lemonade. Delicious.
  • I went to Devil's Lake the other weekend. Normal people do a lot of hiking there, but not me. It was windy and a bit chilly and I spent my whole time swimming anyways. It was amazing. I want to go back and swim across the lake. (bucket list, check!)
  • The boyfriend and I went strawberry picking this weekend. About 4 quarts of delicious berries for 12 bucks. What?! A real deal, if you ask me!
  • We plan to use the strawberries on shortcake, ice cream and popsicles.
  • Did I mention I got an ice cream maker! I did. I'm all sorts of excited about it. Ask anyone I know, they have heard me chatter with excitement about it until their ears burn.
What are your Fourth of July weekend plans?! I want to know what sort of fun plans and food you all have planned! I might go canoe camping. In the mean time, be sure to follow me on Instagram (@badgerkitchen). 


  1. It's a tradition in my family to go to our pool's 4th of July pool party! It's always tons of fun :)
