
Sunday, July 13, 2014

Kelsey's Sunday Brunch

I have been really book crazy lately.  Like it's out of control.  I work a block away from the very pretty Madison Central Library and have taken to visiting on a weekly basis, leaving with no fewer than three books each time.  Did I mention that I've only returned one book so far.  There's just not enough hours in the day!

I also love buying books but very rarely do so at full price.  Instead I like to hit up the thrift stores where I spend $1-3 a book and have frequently found bestsellers from the past couple of years.  Sometimes I will go to the local used book stores as well, especially if they're having a sale.  Currently I'm reading The Interestings by Meg Wolitzer and have Americanah by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie on deck.

Yesterday Nate and I set out on a great adventure around Madison, doing some of our favorite things that we had been talking about doing for a while and as a little early birthday celebration for me.  We started out by getting a milkshake and scrambler at Mickie's Dairy Bar for breakfast.  Then we headed to Henry Vilas Zoo and hung out with some animals and I even fed the goats!  Then we headed out to Picnic Point where we enjoyed some great views, lunch and relaxation.  After that we took a loop around Art Fair on the Square and then walked down State Street to the Memorial Union.  As we were heading around to the Terrace, Nate got down on one knee at a spot that is special to our relationship and proposed.  Family and friends were waiting on the Terrace to help celebrate.  Best birthday present ever if I do say so myself!

And for those of you who are here for the food:
  • As someone who enjoys a good farmer's market, I thought it was worth sharing these tips on Farmer's Market etiquette from a stall owner's perspective.
  • Check out the results of this cookie experiment that shows what a difference the type of baking sheet your using can have on the way your cookies cook.
  • Last time I brunched I shared with you my love for the Joy the Baked Podcast.  I've recently also fallen in love with The Lively Show and would definitely recommend it.
Hope you had a great weekend!


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