
Sunday, August 10, 2014

April's Sunday Brunch

I know this is supposed be "Sunday brunch" and it is way past brunch, but maybe you are having breakfast for dinner. I've been super busy almost every weekend and most days off these past few weeks and I have a lot to share with you!

The boyfriend and I went to Door County (summer bucket list, check!). It was so much fun! His parents drove us all the way up the bay-side to the tip of door county! We saw goats on the roof at Al Johnson's.

We stopped at so many little shops on the way we didn't actually eat at Al Johnson's. Samples galore! We also got ice cream at Wilson's. So cute.

We pulled over at a random pick your own cherries place and picked cherries! Sour cherries! It was amazing. Couldn't have picked a better time to go to Door County. Sour cherries are pie cherries are really special because they spoil pretty quickly after being picked and aren't grown too many places.

Did I mention that that huge bucket of cherries was probably 5 or 6 pounds and it only cost us 9 bucks! We pitted and froze most of them. I'm also working on some grown up maraschino cherries, recipe to come!

There will be a pie eventually as well. My first attempt was sort of a delicious soupy disaster. Not blog worthy...yet!

On Sunday the boyfriend and I went to Whitefish Sand Dunes State Park. It was awfully pretty. Sadly the water was way to cold on the lake side of Door County to swim. We headed to Cave Point County park just around the corner and managed to see a little bit of its beauty before it started storming.

I want to go back when there isn't an approaching rain storm. Imagine how beautiful everything would be on a bright clear day! Nature is just so awesome and beautiful. Am I right?

This past weekend was the MS Bike ride. I've done it the past 4 years now. My mom and sister-in-law rode this year. Everyone was worried about my mom riding 100 something miles in two days, but she proved us all wrong and rode like a beast.

That is my dad in the picture above. We all love the shit out of him, and ride for him and all the other people impacted by MS. It was really special to be able to ride with my family and show our support. Just amazing.

The past three weeks have been busy and there is no sign of things slowing down. I move in three days. I'm totally unprepared. There are a billion birthdays just around the corner. School starts soon. It is crazy but oh so very fun.



  1. These pictures make me want to go to Door County right now, gosh! Congrats to you, your mom, and sister-in-law on the MS bike ride!!

    1. Thanks Brittany! I want to go back and pick apples in the fall and see all the changing leaves.

  2. I'm intrigued by sour cherries but I just like a little sweetness in my life. Does it work similar to rhubarb to balance the sour with strawberries or another sweeter fruit? Hoping to plan a trip up to Door County as a Minimoon next summer after the wedding :)

    1. You have to add a hefty amount of sweet to them but adding another fruit isn't a bad idea either. They are very tart.
