
Sunday, September 28, 2014

Brittany's Sunday Brunch

Fall is my absolute favorite season! It took me awhile (and a few Pumpkin Spice Lattes) to get into the Fall mode, but now I'm happy that summer has turned to fall. We're still getting some warm days and many of the trees are still a lush green. However, I'm hoping that means this Fall will be nice and slow. Believe me, I'm TOTALLY not ready for winter yet. C'mon, I just got use to it becoming fall.

Since it officially became Fall this past Tuesday, I came up with a list of Fall Things I want to do.
  • Visit an Apple Orchard or Pumpkin Patch. Anyone have any favorites in the Madison area they would suggest?
  • Take a drive out to Wollersheim Winery. One, because I love wine. Two, because I love Wollersheim wine. And three, the county side drive should give us a chance to see colorful landscapes. 
  • Visit the dog park often. Bear, as shown above, can't do much in the summer with his thick, black coat. But now that the weather is much more comfortable for him, we can get his dog park fix in! And the view at Indian Lake is pretty gorgeous!
  • Bake and cook with my favorite Fall flavors. I hope to make a savory pumpkin recipe. I always make pumpkin desserts, I think it's time to try something new. Also, crockpot applesauce is calling my name, it looks so easy!
  • Enjoy our fireplace. We recently moved to a new apartment (well, we really just moved down the hall) and it has a fireplace. I can't wait to cozy up next to it!
What's on your Fall to-do list? I'll be sure to give you an update when I start checking off my list.

Have a great Sunday and Go Pack Go!



  1. I just went to Door Creek Orchard in Cottage Grove! It was pretty great and we got 15 pounds pick your own for 15 bucks!

  2. I've heard good things about Door Creek Orchard as well as Epplegarden in Fitchburg.

    1. I'll definitely look into both! I don't remember the last time I went apple picking!

  3. I really need to go pick some apples. Or, more importantly, eat apple pie.

    1. Haha, yes! I actually made apple pie this past week. Needless to say, it was gone in a few days!
