
Sunday, January 25, 2015

April's Sunday Brunch

Happy Sunday funday friends! Hear me ROAR!

Have you ever been to Le Tigre Lounge? You must go. It is covered in tiger. They even have Tiger Beer!  It is my new favorite date night spot. Promise me you will go?

The scarf below, has been a three year project. I've never actually finished a knitting project. My mom kindly finished this one. It was in rough shape.

It was like I was drunk when I was knitting it. I wasn't. I swear.

Can you tell which half she knitted? I think it has a nice rustic look to it. I never finish knitting projects; yet, I chose to knit my man a blanket.

He can expect a blanket in about 6 years. It is my way to make sure he sticks around. Just kidding...but really who wouldn't want to stick around for my first completed knitting project.

Here is to hoping I don't drop too many stitches.

My new favorite breakfast is steal cut oats. They taste a million times better than old fashioned oats. For real. I cook them in my rice cooker with a little water, milk, honey and vanilla.

 I make a big batch and eat them all week, switching up the toppings.

I've officially completed my last first week of class. Graduation here I come! For the firs time in the past year and a half, I'm excited for my classes.

I'm excited for my future career, mostly. It wax and wanes. I think that is natural though.

There has not been an all out panic yet either. Maybe that should be assumed when I've only had one week of class, but not for me. I'm a neurotic panic maker. I think it has something to with being able to see the light at the end of the tunnel and my amazing Day Designer Planner.

It is amazing. The front is full of spaces for goal planning and branding yourself as a human, in my case, or as a business. I think your business is a reflection of yourself anyways. It goes both ways.

There is space for an agenda, daily to do lists and a space to pick the three most important tasks. It has really allowed me to become focused and less overwhelmed.

Did I mention it has a daily gratitude box. Positive psychology for the win! I need a reminder to focus on the good things every now and then.

I made this Chocolate Pound Cake from the new Joy the Baker cookbook. The cake is a sort of bon voyage to freedom, joy and sanity for the next three months. I got this though.

Three more months isn't that long. It is practically summer.


Don't forget to follow me on Instagram @badgerkitchen and to follow us on Facebook


  1. Six years now? I was under the impression it was five! 😜 I have faith it won't fall apart, those stitches are solid.

    1. 5, 6, 10 years....what is the difference! I'll keep you warm with my mad cooking skills!

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