
Friday, June 13, 2014

Cinnamon Bread

So I have a confession. First time I tried to make this bread I was overconfident. So overconfident that it would be easy-peasy that I killed the yeast in a milk-butter bath that was too hot. Oops. Even though the bread looked oh so good and smelled even better, it was dense and disappointing. But, I wasn't going to give up on my quest to conquer yeast! You see, I don't bake with yeast often. And I feel yeast gets a bad rep. I feel we think that whatever recipe contains yeast will be tough and time-consuming and not worth it. Well I wanted to prove that wrong. Luckily, the second time through was a success! I may have cheated a little, see the recipe below for my secret weapon! The bread was mouth-watering delicious. It was fluffy and had just enough kick of cinnamon. My fiancé said it was good enough to be from Panera! Why, thank you hun!

This recipe comes from my dear friend, Ree (well I wish we were on a first-name basis). I've just recently become a fan of her and her cooking. I also love her life-style. Although much different than the city feel of Madison, it sounds nice to live on the hill-side with cattle and cowboys. Not sure if the fiancĂ© and I would ever make such a drastic move, knowing going to a grocery store would be an all-day affair. However, slowing down and taking in fresh air and sunsets, that sounds just lovely.

Even after admitting my fault for murdering the first round yeast, I have to say this recipe is easy. Really, believe me! It does take time to get to the final product (I'd suggest making it the day before if you're looking for a breakfast treat). However, there's not much labor on the baker's part. A lot of it is just having the patience for the yeast to do it's work. I made this bread on a lazy Sunday. We were home almost all day, which made it easy come time to knead or roll dough. So give this baby a's worth it!


1 c. milk
8 tbsp. butter
1 packet active dry yeast
2 eggs
2/3 c. sugar
3 1/2 c. all-purpose flour
1 tsp. salt
2 tbsp. cinnamon

1. Get out the ultra-secret weapon: the bread machine! Add ingredients in order listed: milk, 6 tbsp. butter, eggs, salt, 1/3 c. sugar, flour and then the yeast. You want the yeast to be on top of the flour island, free from touching the salt or liquids.
2. Set the bread machine to the dough setting. And let the machine do the work!
*I do not have a kitchen aid mixer; however, it would be a great alternative to the bread machine. You're probably thinking, who has bread machines nowadays anyways? If a stand mixer is not in your kitchen either, trust me, you can do it! Let the yeast become activated in a luke-warm milk and butter bath. Combine the flour and salt. Add sugar and eggs. Then, add the yeast bath. Mix until combined. Knead dough for 10-15min. Store in a warm place for 2 hours.
3. Turn dough onto work surface. Knead for about 2 min by hand.
4. Roll into a rectangle, have the short side the same length as your bread pan. Have the longer side 18-24 inches.
5. Smear 2 tbsp. melted butter over dough.
6. Mix the remaining 1/3 c. sugar with the cinnamon. Spread evenly over the melted butter.
7. Roll dough up, keeping it tight and the length of your bread pan.
8. Place dough, seam side down into a buttered bread pan. Cover.
9. Let the dough rise for about 2 hours.
10. Once risen, bake for 40-45min in a preheated 350 degree oven.
11. Enjoy as bread, toast or use for french toast!

Check out the last time I used yeast on Badger Kitchen: Cinnamon Rolls

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