
Sunday, June 22, 2014

Kelsey's Sunday Brunch

  • Sometimes the sunsets that we can watch from our patio apartment just outdo themselves.
  • Check out these great tips on how to freeze different baked goods the proper way.  On a similar note, here are 11 foods you should never freeze.  Apparently freezing cut up peppers is a bad idea?
  • Do you ever read blogs and think, these people make it seem like they have the perfect little lives?  Check out this post on Charmingly Styled, as well as all of those that are linked to it, to read some #RealBloggerBeauty stories.
  • The Huffington Post is telling the world what we already knew, that nobody eats and drinks better than Wisconsin.
  • Here's a tampon commercial that's actually funny!  You know that most of those commercials are the worst.

  • I have a couple of planter beds on my balcony that I'm growing herbs in for the first time this summer.  I'll be keeping these ginger beer mojitos or these apple mojitos in mind to use some of my quick growing mint.
  • If you're looking for some food blogger entertainment outside of reading blogs, I highly suggest checking out the Joy the Baker Podcast, and Bev Cooks on Instagram.  Both are always good for a few laughs.
  • I started reading The Goldfinch last week and was almost instantly hooked.  I set a goal at the start of the year to read 26 books in 2014 and am far behind schedule right now.  Hopefully some solid summer reading will get me caught back up!
  • Speaking of reading, I saw Lizzy in the Kitchen's post about going to the library so of course I went the next day during my lunch break even though I have boatloads of books to read at home.  I went home with The Fault in Our Stars, The Bone Season and this Spain cookbook to take me back to my summer studying abroad in Spain.  What have you been reading lately?  I'm always looking for suggestions!

Want to know more about what's going on in my day-to-day life?  Follow me on Twitter (@kraespencer) and Instagram (@krspencer2)!

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