
Monday, September 1, 2014

April's Sunday Brunch

It is a Monday brunch kind of day because it kind of is like a Sunday. It has been another busy past few weeks and especially this past week, with my birthday and preparing for the start of my final year of graduate school.

The other week the boyfriend and I went down to Milwaukee for the state fair and to visit some of his friends. There were cream puffs, corn and other delicious treats consumed. The cute goats and other farm creatures can't be forgotten either.

On another weekend his parents took us to the Renaissance Faire in Bristol. It was a really fun and interesting experience. We saw a glass blowing demonstration, jousting and fire whips. Yes, a man dancing around with whips all aflame.

After a long warm day at the fair, he then had the pleasure of taking me to Ikea to get all the necessary things to make my new apartment liveable. Lucky guy.

I've always wanted to try canning and I know Kelsey has been itching to try it too. I gave pickles a go a couple weeks ago and tried them this past week. They turned out well for my first go at it. My boyfriend and I also made a batch of refrigerator pickles too.

The 7 jars of pickles we made need a bit of tweaking, but next year I hope to be sharing some pickle recipes with you all.

I moved again. I said I would never do it again until I graduated, but then a along came the most loveable cat EVER. That is right, I moved my whole life down the street and got out of my lease all for my cat.

On the bright side I got to spend a few nights at my parents and enjoy some home cooked food and a beautiful view that you just can't get in a downtown apartment.

My awesome friend, Hannah, and I went to the Dumpling Haus at Hilldale Mall. It was amazing. We these dumplings with meat and broth, soup in a dumpling. There was also a delicious soupy, beefy, noodle bowls.

Love me some Asian noodles and dumplings. Oh my goodness, dumplings.  She knows a lot about her Asian cuisine and is actually moving away to Germany and China for the next two years. I see a vacation in my future.

Two days after getting moved into my new apartment, I got started on making a ice cream terrine. There were a few bumps in the road, like the gas not being onto my stove. Cooking in a new kitchen for the first time is tricky.

I walked myself in circles a lot, forgetting where pots, pans and bowls new homes were in the cupboards, but I completed my masterpiece!

 My boyfriends birthday is six days before mine, aka this was his birthday present. The layers went like this from top to bottom: strawberry buttermilk, vanilla and brown butter almond brittle, with strawberry jam. Between each layer was cake and jam.

He loves strawberries and I thought this was more original than a gooey chocolate caramel terrine.A recipe for making an ice cream terrine will be on the blog soon!

More of this cake was enjoyed for my birthday the following week along with a trip to Lombardino's. Love that place. We had the calamari to start, because it is probably the best in town. Seriously.

For my main course I had pasta of course. The seafood pasta with saffron, shrimp and mussels was perfectly simple and elegant.

This weekend was also busy with the Taste of Madison and getting ready for school. Did anyone else go to the Taste of Madison this weekend? What did you get and love?



  1. I love Dumpling Haus at Hilldale Mall! and we didn't make it out to the Taste of Madison last Saturday . . wasn't it pouring rain for most of the morning? Well, I hope it cleared up and the vendors were still able to have a good day. I still need to make a trip and visit Milwaukee!! Any good restaurant recommendations?

    1. In the morning it sure did, but by the afternoon it stopped just in time for me to try a few places before work! I don't have too many recommendations for Milwaukee, except for you must get a burger and custard at Kopp's Frozen Custard! Yum, it is seriously the best and lots of childhood memories stopping there for custard on the way back to Madison.

  2. Ok I love the idea of brown butter almond brittle ice cream, that sounds crazy but in a really good way. And those cream puffs at the beginning are enormous! Sounds like you've had a very food focused week!

    1. It is how I like every week to be, all about food! Thanks for stopping by and keep an eye out for more on that brown butter almond brittle ice cream!
