
Sunday, October 26, 2014

Kelsey's Sunday Brunch

Happy Sunday everyone!  We're having some great weather here in Madison this weekend.  We went to the Badger's Homecoming football game yesterday and there were people in shorts and t-shirts, not your average late October wardrobe.

Despite the warmer weather, I've been really getting into the knitting zone lately.  I made a red and white Badger version of this slouchy hat last weekend and just finished up a maroon and silver chunky infinity scarf.  I've been thinking about opening an online shop to sell some of my knitted projects but I haven't decided for sure yet.  Any other knitters out there?!

With Halloween coming up, we carved our pumpkins this weekend.  Nate, my sister Avery, her boyfriend Jon and I are having a little contest.  I'll post a picture when we light them up later and you can let us know which one you like best.  We're also painting a pumpkin teal to participate in the Teal Pumpkin Project.  If you have a teal pumpkin on your porch it signifies that you have a non-food option for those trick or treaters with food allergies.

Last weekend Nate and I had our engagement pictures taken.  We chose to take them at the Memorial Union where we got engaged.  This one is my favorite and we've picked it for our postcard save the dates which we designed and ordered from Zazzle.

Don't forget, midterm elections are coming up on November 4th!  Check out this election guide if you need to get informed.

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