
Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Champagne Mojitos

Mojitos are one of my favorites. So is champagne. Put them together and yum. This drink is perfectly bubbly with the great traditional mojito flavor. Make this the next time you host brunch, celebrate a bridal shower (yes, I have wedding brain...the countdown is finally into the double digits!), or just have extra limes hanging around. For me, here's the list of things I was celebrating when I made this spring-y cocktail:
  • It's feeling like spring! The birds are chirping and the windows are open (slightly)
  • Iced coffee season is here. Enough said.
  • The Madison farmer's market is only a few weekends alway
  • Honeymoon is all planned 
  • Oh and I got a new job!

This recipe is super easy but the champagne gives it a special feel. The original recipe from Food Network suggests using cava, which I used and liked. But, I don't think using a different kind would be a deal breaker. Go ahead, get creative!


1/4 c. fresh mint leaves
2-3 Tbsp. sugar
1 lime, cut into wedges
1 c. rum
1 bottle chilled cava

1. Put mint, sugar and lime wedges into a pitcher and muddle
2. Stir in rum
3. Strain into chilled glasses and top with cava
4. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. You had me at champagne! This sounds so refreshing as the weather is warming up. Let's have a cookout and serve 'em up!

    Congrats on the new job!
