
Sunday, August 17, 2014

Brittany's Sunday Brunch

Good morning, Sunday brunchers! Nothing too exciting to report, so I'm just going to list random things that have happened or have been on my mind.
  • I love everything mini! Our wedding venue has the option of serving mini almost anything as a late night snack. Just picture mini quesadillas and mini burgers with mini pizza slices. I'm dying here. So, spend the money on late night snacks or on more and hot appetizers? That is the big question on hand.
  • And now, to continue with the everything mini theme that I'm currently gushing over. I used my petite loaf pan for the first time this week. I got it as a gift and I'm so in love! Look at how cute these banana breads are! I can't contain myself.

  • Want the banana bread recipe? Find it here! Using a petite loaf pan too? The full recipe will make 9 mini loafs but reduce the cooking time to 25-30 minutes.
  • I can't stop there! So when making my mini loaves, I couldn't help but use mini chocolate chips with my mini spatula. Seriously, don't laugh at me. That mini spatula comes in handy more often than not! Trust me, now when you're in the kitchen trying to scoop out the last of your pasta sauce from the jar, you will be wishing you had my mini spatula. [I found mine at a local store, Orange Tree Imports, but I've seen them at Williams-Sonoma and every once in awhile at Target]. 

And as we said this morning in yoga class...


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