
Sunday, September 7, 2014

Brittany's Sunday Brunch

To end summer with a bang, my fiancé, friends and I drove all the way down to Houston, TX to see the Badgers take on the LSU Tigers. Although the outcome wasn't what we wanted, the trip was still a blast. 

However, if you asked me to do it again I'd say no. I would much rather fly. The 20 hour, not my style. But the hardest part about the trip was leaving this guy.

This is Bear, our one-ish year old Bernese Mountain dog. He was in good hands at Grandma and Grandpa's but oh boy was the reunion a mutual happy, snuggly time once we got home.

It seemed as soon as the trip was over, the weather became a very comfortable low 70's and the first day of school came. It was like a fall switch turned on. I'm not quite ready for fall but I got out our decorations (not Halloween, that would take it too far) to help get me in the new season mood. I still may not be ready for fall quite yet but I'd have to say fall flavors and recipes are my absolute favorite! Pumpkin, apple, cinnamon, yum! Football favorites like chili, beer-boiled brats, and pulled pork! I just can't get enough of fall food!

Here are some fall recipes that I will definitely be making in the upcoming weeks, because they're that good:
Here is my short list of fall recipes that I'm dying (well not dying but drooling over) to try:

Well maybe once I start making these recipes, I'll finally get into the mode of fall. Have a great Sunday!


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