
Sunday, June 29, 2014

April's Sunday Brunch

It is Sunday Brunch time again! This is what I have been up to lately, plus some random thoughts.
  • I went to Eau Claire to visit a friend from my freshman year of college at Steven's Point. We spent the morning at the Leinenkugel's Brewery (summer bucket list, check!). I have to admit that it is not my favorite Wisconsin brewery, BUT they do beer mixology. Which sounds strange, but is actually pretty tasty. Mix Summer Shandy and Berry Weiss and you get pink lemonade. Delicious.
  • I went to Devil's Lake the other weekend. Normal people do a lot of hiking there, but not me. It was windy and a bit chilly and I spent my whole time swimming anyways. It was amazing. I want to go back and swim across the lake. (bucket list, check!)
  • The boyfriend and I went strawberry picking this weekend. About 4 quarts of delicious berries for 12 bucks. What?! A real deal, if you ask me!
  • We plan to use the strawberries on shortcake, ice cream and popsicles.
  • Did I mention I got an ice cream maker! I did. I'm all sorts of excited about it. Ask anyone I know, they have heard me chatter with excitement about it until their ears burn.
What are your Fourth of July weekend plans?! I want to know what sort of fun plans and food you all have planned! I might go canoe camping. In the mean time, be sure to follow me on Instagram (@badgerkitchen). 

Friday, June 27, 2014

Lemon Chicken Kabobs

Oh boy! I found my new favorite grill recipe. The other weekend, I was visiting my future in-laws and we had chicken kabobs for dinner. The kabobs were store bought from the meat department. You know, the ones that are pre-prepared, quick and easy. They were delicious! Ever since then, I've been stuck on kabobs. I wanted to make them the next day, no joke. My fiancé advised we wait a bit. Although reluctantly agreeing, I finally got to test out a recipe. The flavor was worth the wait.  

Yum! These chicken kabobs were juicy and flavorful. With only adding lemon zest, you get this perfect but not overly powerful citrus flavor. It compliments the garlic and pepper very nicely. I chose to add bell peppers and onions, because they're my favorite and add some nice color. However, feel free to get creative with your vegetables (or even the meat). The choices are endless! 

1 pound chicken breast, cut into large cubes
2 bell peppers
1 onion

3 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil
Zest of 1 lemon
3 garlic cloves, minced
1 tbsp. fresh parsley
1 tsp. kosher salt
1 tsp. ground pepper

1. In a small bowl, combine marinade ingredients. Stir well
2. In a shallow dish, arrange chicken pieces into one or close to one layer
3. Pour marinade over chicken. Toss to coat pieces and cover.
4. Marinade chicken in refrigerator for at least 30 minutes but up to 8 hours.
5. Chop pepper and onion to similar size as the chicken, about 3/4-inch pieces.
6. Skew chicken, pepper and onion onto skewer sticks, alternating items.
7. Grill kabobs 45min, rotating often.
8. Enjoy!

Bon Appétit!

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Strawberry Moscato Lemonade

I had the full intention of wrapping up Strawberry Month with a nice refreshing strawberry pie.  One thing led to another and there was no pie to be found but I did find myself sipping on this strawberry moscato lemonade while watching The Bachelorette on Monday night.

Let's talk The Bachelorette for a quick second.  Any other fans out there?  Let me just say that I'm surprised she kept Cody around this long.  And that Marcus is a little too clingy.  The dude said he loved her on like week four.  Also, I just do not see Andi moving to Iowa to live on a farm.  Let's be real.

But back to this sweet pink drink (see what I did there.)  My sister has made this drink on a couple of occasions and it was a hit with the ladies and men alike.  It's perfect for an event like a bridal shower where you want a drink without too much alcohol in it.  If you'd like to give it a little extra kick, feel free to add some vodka; I'd suggest strawberry, lemon or plain.  Looking for something similar but don't have much of a taste for wine?  Try this Grow Up Pink Lemonade we shared a couple of years ago.

In case you missed the rest of Strawberry Month, check out these recipes for Strawberry Banana Bread, Baked Brie with Strawberries, Almonds and Balsamic Vinegar,  and Strawberry Jam.  Check back soon to see what July's theme will be!


  • 1 bottle pink moscato
  • 1 container frozen strawberry lemonade concentrate, thawed
  • 3 cups lemon lime soda
  • Strawberries and lemon slices for garnish
  • (Optional) 1/4-1/2 cup vodka
  1. Stir together moscato, thawed lemonade concentrate and soda in a pitcher.
  2. Garnish with strawberries and lemon slices as desired. (Frozen strawberries double as great ice cubes!)

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Kelsey's Sunday Brunch

  • Sometimes the sunsets that we can watch from our patio apartment just outdo themselves.
  • Check out these great tips on how to freeze different baked goods the proper way.  On a similar note, here are 11 foods you should never freeze.  Apparently freezing cut up peppers is a bad idea?
  • Do you ever read blogs and think, these people make it seem like they have the perfect little lives?  Check out this post on Charmingly Styled, as well as all of those that are linked to it, to read some #RealBloggerBeauty stories.
  • The Huffington Post is telling the world what we already knew, that nobody eats and drinks better than Wisconsin.
  • Here's a tampon commercial that's actually funny!  You know that most of those commercials are the worst.

  • I have a couple of planter beds on my balcony that I'm growing herbs in for the first time this summer.  I'll be keeping these ginger beer mojitos or these apple mojitos in mind to use some of my quick growing mint.
  • If you're looking for some food blogger entertainment outside of reading blogs, I highly suggest checking out the Joy the Baker Podcast, and Bev Cooks on Instagram.  Both are always good for a few laughs.
  • I started reading The Goldfinch last week and was almost instantly hooked.  I set a goal at the start of the year to read 26 books in 2014 and am far behind schedule right now.  Hopefully some solid summer reading will get me caught back up!
  • Speaking of reading, I saw Lizzy in the Kitchen's post about going to the library so of course I went the next day during my lunch break even though I have boatloads of books to read at home.  I went home with The Fault in Our Stars, The Bone Season and this Spain cookbook to take me back to my summer studying abroad in Spain.  What have you been reading lately?  I'm always looking for suggestions!

Want to know more about what's going on in my day-to-day life?  Follow me on Twitter (@kraespencer) and Instagram (@krspencer2)!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Strawberry Jam

June is Strawberry month and what better way to celebrate than with jam! When we decided to feature strawberries for June, I had no idea what to make. I wanted to think outside the box, but not too far from it that I would end up short of a delicious recipe. So, I went to a super handy source for my recipe, Pinterest! Although I found a few strawberry recipes worth trying, today I have for you the easiest strawberry jam on the planet. It has to be the easiest because I was able to make it.

I know nothing about making jam or canning. But this recipe is so easy and you most likely have the whole 3 ingredients needed on hand. Although a quick and fool-proof recipe, it does not fall short on flavor. It's strawberry goodness would go great on top of any toast or english muffin. Yum!

recipe found on scattered thoughts of a crafty mom

16 oz. strawberries (or one normal size container found at grocery stores)
3/4 c. granulated sugar
2 tbsp. fresh lemon juice

yup, thats it!

1. Remove stems of strawberries and coarsely chop
2. Place strawberries, sugar and lemon juice in blender and puree until blended to your liking
3. Pour mixture into sauce pan over medium heat. Allow sugar to dissolve
4. Heat at medium to high heat, stir often. Allow mixture to boil rigorously, about 10 minutes or until candy thermometer reaches about 200 degrees Fahrenheit. The mixture should reduce and become thickened and darker in color.
5. Fill mixture into a half pint jar. Let cool before sealing or cover and use within 10 days. Keep in refrigerator.
6. Enjoy over your favorite toast or other food!

Bon Appétit!

Monday, June 16, 2014

Broccoli Salad

I love cookbooks.  I especially love cookbooks with big, colorful pictures and glossy pages.  I love flipping through them, looking at all the pretty pictures.  Oooing and ahhhhing over them.  Putting sticky notes in all the recipes I plan on making but almost never do because I always default to finding them on the internet instead.

As much as I love all the pretty pictures and glossy pages of a Giada cookbook, there's something to be said about a good old church cookbook.  The kind where all the parish member submit their family recipes and then it's sold as a fundraiser.  It's filled with lots of comfort food, simple, home cook type recipes that isn't usually found in those book publisher deal cookbooks.

When I asked my mom for her recipe for broccoli salad, she sent me a picture of two pages from the church cookbook and told me she took bits and pieces from each of the four broccoli salad recipes to make her own.   I took her advice.  Keeping the mayonnaise, vinegar and sugar dressing, but substituting some Greek yogurt in as well.  The broccoli and bacon was standard, but I decided to throw in raisins, red onion and cashews as well.  The dressing ended up being a little on the generous side, so if your looking to stretch the recipe a little farther or just have some extra broccoli sitting around, I think you could easily use 3.5-4 cups of broccoli bites.


  • 3 cups broccoli, cut into bite size pieces
  • 10 strips of bacon, crumbled
  • 1/2 cup light mayonnaise
  • 1/2 cup plain fat free Greek yogurt
  • 3 tablespoons sugar
  • 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
  • 1/2 cup raisins
  • 1/2 cup diced red onion
  • 1/2 cup cashews
  1. In a small bowl, stir together mayonnaise, yogurt, sugar and vinegar.
  2. In a large bowl, combine broccoli, raisins, onion and cashews.  Mix in dressing until salad is evenly coated.
  3. Chill in refrigerator until ready to serve.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Brittany's Sunday Brunch

Sorry guys, brunch is a bit late today! I have a really good excuse though! You see, I don't normally sleep in or take naps so this won't happen again! Today I slept in and took a nap. Last night was my future sister-in-law's wedding and we had so much fun! Perfect weather, great food and drinks and the best dance floor to keep us moving! To say it lightly, our feet are tired today.

Some info about the wedding:
  • Bride and Groom: Abby and Kyle
  • Colors: Black, white and pink
  • First Dance: Love your love the most by Eric Church 
  • Custom feature: Fully stocked candy bar, it was a hit!

I would say we are in the midst of wedding season, wouldn't you? Check out this article on the do's and don'ts of what to wear. 

Being wedding season means summer is also in full bloom. I found the perfect iced coffee recipe from Ree Drummond (yes, I just talked about my new found love for her food and life-style on Friday). The ultimate tip is that you should steep not brew the coffee. Trust me, I've tried it first hand and it replicates Starbucks! 

With the wedding this weekend in Madison, I will be going to my hometown next weekend to celebrate Father's day. A cookout and bonfire are on the schedule. Here are my favorite grill recipes right now that we might just have to try:
Check out Williams-Sonoma to find the coolest grill gadgets around! The mesh roaster is one I'm currently crushing over! And their quesadilla grill basket is pretty nifty, too.

Lastly, a quick shout-out to my wonderful Dad! Happy Father's Day!

Friday, June 13, 2014

Cinnamon Bread

So I have a confession. First time I tried to make this bread I was overconfident. So overconfident that it would be easy-peasy that I killed the yeast in a milk-butter bath that was too hot. Oops. Even though the bread looked oh so good and smelled even better, it was dense and disappointing. But, I wasn't going to give up on my quest to conquer yeast! You see, I don't bake with yeast often. And I feel yeast gets a bad rep. I feel we think that whatever recipe contains yeast will be tough and time-consuming and not worth it. Well I wanted to prove that wrong. Luckily, the second time through was a success! I may have cheated a little, see the recipe below for my secret weapon! The bread was mouth-watering delicious. It was fluffy and had just enough kick of cinnamon. My fiancé said it was good enough to be from Panera! Why, thank you hun!

This recipe comes from my dear friend, Ree (well I wish we were on a first-name basis). I've just recently become a fan of her and her cooking. I also love her life-style. Although much different than the city feel of Madison, it sounds nice to live on the hill-side with cattle and cowboys. Not sure if the fiancé and I would ever make such a drastic move, knowing going to a grocery store would be an all-day affair. However, slowing down and taking in fresh air and sunsets, that sounds just lovely.

Even after admitting my fault for murdering the first round yeast, I have to say this recipe is easy. Really, believe me! It does take time to get to the final product (I'd suggest making it the day before if you're looking for a breakfast treat). However, there's not much labor on the baker's part. A lot of it is just having the patience for the yeast to do it's work. I made this bread on a lazy Sunday. We were home almost all day, which made it easy come time to knead or roll dough. So give this baby a's worth it!


1 c. milk
8 tbsp. butter
1 packet active dry yeast
2 eggs
2/3 c. sugar
3 1/2 c. all-purpose flour
1 tsp. salt
2 tbsp. cinnamon

1. Get out the ultra-secret weapon: the bread machine! Add ingredients in order listed: milk, 6 tbsp. butter, eggs, salt, 1/3 c. sugar, flour and then the yeast. You want the yeast to be on top of the flour island, free from touching the salt or liquids.
2. Set the bread machine to the dough setting. And let the machine do the work!
*I do not have a kitchen aid mixer; however, it would be a great alternative to the bread machine. You're probably thinking, who has bread machines nowadays anyways? If a stand mixer is not in your kitchen either, trust me, you can do it! Let the yeast become activated in a luke-warm milk and butter bath. Combine the flour and salt. Add sugar and eggs. Then, add the yeast bath. Mix until combined. Knead dough for 10-15min. Store in a warm place for 2 hours.
3. Turn dough onto work surface. Knead for about 2 min by hand.
4. Roll into a rectangle, have the short side the same length as your bread pan. Have the longer side 18-24 inches.
5. Smear 2 tbsp. melted butter over dough.
6. Mix the remaining 1/3 c. sugar with the cinnamon. Spread evenly over the melted butter.
7. Roll dough up, keeping it tight and the length of your bread pan.
8. Place dough, seam side down into a buttered bread pan. Cover.
9. Let the dough rise for about 2 hours.
10. Once risen, bake for 40-45min in a preheated 350 degree oven.
11. Enjoy as bread, toast or use for french toast!

Check out the last time I used yeast on Badger Kitchen: Cinnamon Rolls

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Baked Brie with Strawberries, Almonds and Balsamic Vinegar

Strawberry month continues! I have not been able to keep my mind off of strawberries. Its been all strawberry this strawberry that all up in my noggin lately.

I'm working on a frozen treat involving strawberries, but it needs a bit more work. Joy the Baker is having a "Baking Boot Camp" and I made this triple berry cinnamon swirl bread. Hopefully I can tweak some of the things I've been working on and share them with you all!

I want to roast all the strawberries there ever were and devour them. If you've never tried roasting fruit, you should. No pressure, but really you should. I also just ordered a ice cream maker. I'm giddy about it. Maybe there will be a roasted strawberry ice cream situation in the future. At the very least there will be buckets of ice cream in my future.

Now for the real strawberry situation at hand, strawberries and cheese. This is a pretty simple, easy and straightforward gooey, salty, tangy and cheesy situation. My first go around at making this resulted in spilled cheese, which is better than spilled milk. Promise. You can still eat spilled cheese.

I tweaked a few things to prevent a spilled cheese situation from happening again. I went for less liquid for the strawberries and created a balsamic glaze instead.

As I tend to do, there is not much added sugar to the strawberries. I like the tartness. The exposed top makes this almost a cross between a gallette and traditional baked brie. Leaving the opening at the top allows the strawberries to become sort of like roasted strawberries - jammy, melty and tart.

The balsamic adds a nice sharp tang on top, while the toasted almonds add a crunch. The pepper is not at the forefront here, but I do think it adds a little something. You could always add more pepper, if you wanted a real peppery kick.

You won't want to drizzle all of the balsamic glaze over the baked brie all at once, but reserve some for you and your friends to drizzle on as much or little as they want. I won't judge though if you just eat this all by yourself. I begrudgingly shared with my father because well he is my father.


For the brie: 
8oz strawberries, sliced into quarters
1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar
2 teaspoons honey
2 teaspoons all purpose flour
1/8 teaspoons freshly ground black pepper

1/3 cup slivered almonds, toasted

For the balsamic glaze:
1/4 cup balsamic vinegar
2 teaspoons honey
Freshly ground black pepper

Egg wash:
1 large egg, beaten in a small bowl, with a splash of water

  1. Preheat your oven to 375 degrees F. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and set it aside.
  2. Combine strawberries, balsamic vinegar, honey, flour and black pepper in a bowl. Set aside.
  3. Slice the rind off of the top of the brie and set aside.
  4. Lightly flour your surface with flour and roll out the thawed puff pastry to a 12" by 12" (being a little shy of 12" is better than being to wide/thin). Trim off the corners to make a circle/oval (using a 10" plate is a useful guide, but you want your circle to be slightly larger than 10").
  5. Place the brie in the center of the dough. Drain the strawberries, reserving the juice for later. Add the strawberries on top of the brie (it may seem like they won't all fit and if a few fall along the sides of the brie, that is okay).
  6. Fold the edges of the dough over in small sections, overlapping as you go. Brush it all over with egg wash.
  7. Transfer to the oven and bake for 20-30 minutes, until the pastry is golden brown. Allow the baked brie to cool for 10 minutes. Place slivered almonds on tin foil and place in oven, until golden and nutty, about 3 to 5 minutes.
  8. While the brie is cooling, lets make the balsamic glaze. To a small saucepan, set over medium heat, mix together the reserved strawberry juice, honey, balsamic vinegar and pepper. Simmer for 3-6 minutes, until slightly thickened and sweet. Turn off the heat and drizzle a little over the baked brie. Garnish with a few slivered almonds; serve with remainder of almonds, glaze and crackers. 
Two years ago: Strawberry Shortcake, Chocolate Brownie Cookies

Sunday, June 8, 2014

April's Sunday Brunch

As you may have noticed, there are a lot of new and wonderful things going on the blog lately. I hope you all like the additions and changes we are making, because I sure do!

"Sunday Brunch" is one of these new things. Kelsey started us off last week and now its my turn. Each of us every Sunday will be posting a little summary of our individual adventures, cool ingredients or kitchen gadgets we are currently crushing on and so on. The content opportunities are endless, really! Get excited to get to know each of us a little bit better in the next coming months!

I'm sure everyone is very aware that it is June already. Where has the time gone? I feel like my summer is almost over. It sort of kind of is, a quarter almost over anyways.

To make the best of the next 3/4 I've come up with a summer bucket list. All the kids are doing it these days. Here goes:
  1. Make boozy popsicles (I've been wanting to do this forever)
  2. Go to door county! I've never been and it seems like a crime, being born and raised in Wisconsin. I need to finally see what it is all about for myself. I bet it will be amazing.
  3.  Canoe, kayak and boat A LOT. 
  4. Play in all the lakes and pools I can. I love swimming and the water. It makes me happy.
  5. Go tubing on a river because its the most fun. Giant lazy river that you are allowed to drink on. What is better honestly?
  6. Hit up devils lake and hike and play in the lake. Hopefully it is less nasty than the Madison lakes get in the heat of summer.
  7. I also want to go on loads of bike rides and actually be in solid shape for the MS Bike Ride. Biking is also fun and very freeing. It is second best to swimming. 
  8. Finally, drink some beer and check out some breweries while doing it. 
Its going to be a good summer. I can feel it in my bones. I'm sure there are other things I want to do this summer, but I can't think of them. What are some things you guys have on your summer bucket lists? I want to know!

Speaking of the MS Bike Ride, I have been riding it for the past three years. My dad has had MS for thirty plus years. He is my best friend ever. I ride for him. This year my mom and sister-in-law are also riding. It should be fun. It is a 150 mile bike ride over two days, across southern Wisconsin.

It is a cause that means a lot to me. If you would like to make a donation or learn more about it check out my page!


Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Strawberry Banana Bread

Here at Badger Kitchen headquarters we are officially declaring June to be Strawberry Month!  Check back each Wednesday this month for a new recipe using strawberries.  We're kicking off the month with this recipe for strawberry banana bread.

I finished my undergrad degree about a year ago now and having been working in the professional world (well part of the time working on getting into the professional world) ever since.  I've always enjoyed learning and generally speaking liked going to classes, but the main part of school that I do not miss is spending my free time studying.  Evenings that are free to do whatever I want you say?  Sold.

Which is why when I signed up to take the LSAT exam, it has been a little bit of a struggle to get back into studying mode.  No, I don't really want to come home from a day of work and spend my free time studying, but I better if I want to do well on this test!  Which is why I had been studying a little bit here and there for a while, but as the the test date is quickly approaching it has become my free time.

So when world collided this weekend and I had ripe bananas sitting on the counter, fresh strawberries in the fridge and was looking for a reason to take a study break, this strawberry banana bread was born.  If I had wanted to take a trip to the grocery store I would've made a healthier version, throwing in some applesauce and greek yogurt, but I had all the ingredients for this version already so I went with it.  I can at least pretend it's healthier since I didn't throw any chocolate chips in, right?

The strawberries add a nice twist to your typical banana bread recipe.  The banana flavor isn't super strong, so if that's the way you like it then perfect, otherwise you may want to try and sneak in another banana.  I had intended to freeze half the loaf but it made such a great study snack that before I knew it, it was almost gone anyways.

I hope you enjoy!

Recipe from Chew Out Loud

  • 2 cups fresh strawberries, sliced
  • 2 very ripe bananas, mashed
  • 1/2 cup packed brown sugar
  • 1/4 cup granulated sugar
  • 1 1/2 cups all purpose flour
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 1/2 tsp baking soda
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 2 large eggs, room temperature
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1/2 cup salted butter, melted
  1. In a bowl, toss sliced strawberries with granulated sugar, making sure all are coated.  Let sit.
  2. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Grease and flour a loaf pan.
  3. In a medium bowl, whisk together flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt and cinnamon.
  4. In a separate large bowl, beat eggs until slightly foamy.  Mix in vanilla, brown sugar and melted butter.  Add in macerated strawberries and mashed bananas.
  5. Using a rubber spatula, fold flour mixture into wet mixture until dry ingredients are just mixed in.
  6. Scrape into prepared loaf pan and bake for an hour, with additional time if needed so that toothpick inserted in the center comes out almost clean, with just a few crumbs.
  7. Let bread cool in pan on wire rack.  Wait until fully cooled before removing.
Two Years Ago: Caramel Oatmeal Chewies

Monday, June 2, 2014

Rye Rhubarb Raspberry Crisp

It is officially my summer! Not technically by the calendar, but my first semester of grad school is complete and I feel free! Not to mention the temperature has remained above freezing for awhile now, which counts as summer for most Wisconsinites. 

I've got a pretty easy next few months ahead of me too, with a light work schedule (it is my last official non-grown-up summer after all!). Hopefully it will continue to be full of bike rides, swimming, cooking and general adventures. 

Now about this here rhubarb crisp. I love a good fruit crisp/crumble, but especially this one. Rhubarb is incredibly easy to prepare. It is simply chopped up into pieces, which totally beats peeling and coring apples.  

I do make myself a little extra work by peeling off any tough strips on the rhubarb. You know what I'm talking about right? Like when you are chopping and all your 1-inch pieces are all being held together by the bottom strip. I peel that off. No stringy or chewy pieces in my crisps. Totally optional.

This crisp started out being only rhubarb, no raspberries. The first time I made it felt like the pan was sparsely filled. I had frozen raspberries in the freezer and here we are.

Using rye flour and rye oats is entirely optional in the topping. The first time around I didn't have rye oats and just used old fashioned oats. Whole wheat flour would be a great substitute for the rye flour, seeing as most of us have it in our pantry.

The rye flour adds a nice earthy sweetness to the topping and complements the tartness of the raspberries and rhubarb.  That being said it is delicious on its on, but I think you would be missing out if you didn't top this with some vanilla ice cream.


For the filling:
1 pound of rhubarb, cut into 1-inch pieces
1 cup fresh or frozen raspberries
1/4 cup granulated sugar
1 tablespoon brown sugar
3 tablespoons all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/4 teaspoon ginger

For the topping:
1/3 cup rye flour or whole wheat flour
1/2 cup rye oats or old fashioned rolled oats
5 tablespoons cold unsalted butter, cut into cubes 
1/2 cup chopped walnuts
1/2 cup light brown sugar
1/4 teaspoon cardamom
1/4 teaspoon salt

  1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. In a 8 x 8-inch baking dish, mix together the rhubarb, brown sugar, white sugar, flour, vanilla extract and ginger. Set aside while you make the crumble.
  2.  In a medium bowl, add all of the crumble toppings. Using your hands, break up the butter until it resembles pea-side bits or is well incorporated. Place the crumble topping atop the filling; transfer to the oven and bake for 35 to 40 minutes, until the top is lightly golden brown and the filling is bubbly. Serve warm, with vanilla ice cream.
Linking up with Time to Sparkle.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Kelsey's Sunday Brunch

  • The Memorial Union Terrace is pretty much a symbol of summertime in Madison.  A group of us were able to enjoy part of our extended Memorial Day weekend enjoying a few pitchers of beer and some babcock ice cream there.  Beer, ice cream, a beautiful lake and good company, what's more to want?
  • My boyfriend Nate and I were recently given a pineapple wedger, and let me tell you, it is a game changer.  What was life like before?  I don't even remember, but I do know there was a whole lot less pineapple in it.
  • Have you heard about the #YesAllWomen social media campaign that was sparked after a young man went on a killing spree in Santa Barbara last weekend, blaming women not wanting to have sex with him to be the cause?  It's more than just a women's rights issue.  You can read about it here and here.
  • As the days have gotten warmer and more humid, that hot cup of coffee every morning is getting to be a little too much.  To avoid an expensive habit of visiting the coffee shop too much, I'm thinking about trying out some of these methods for making iced coffee at home.
  • Ever wonder why we can't just use all-purpose flour for everything since it is called all-purpose?  Me too.  Joy the Baker breaks it down for us in Baking 101: The Difference Between Baking Flours.  My question is, who has pantry space for all that flour?
  • I went to a housewarming party this weekend and gifted the hosts a couple of these Madison street maps rocks glasses that I picked up at a little local shop.  Aren't they the cutest?
  • Two things we love around here are the Wisconsin Badgers and...reading.  Well at least I love reading.  Which naturally means that I love this fun and cute video!
  • And one last thing: before we know it, it will be the middle of July which means my birthday!  I'm starting to think about what kind of cake I want to make and so far this peanut butter cake with chocolate frosting, a simple chocolate cake, or maybe I'll go crazy and try making one of these ice cream cakes!